The first leg of our journey brought us up I-44 through St. Louis and over to Alhambra, Illinois to the Legendary Mustang Sanctuary. It was a long travel day, especially because of all of the rain and a few wrong turns, but we had finally made it to our first destination as nomads.
We were running late and had called our hosts at Legendary Mustang Sanctuary to inform them that we would arrive later than expected, but Kathy told us that it would not be an issue.
We were the last of the Harvest Host guests to arrive and pulled into our spot for the night. We were all exhausted and ready for a quick dinner and bedtime, but as we attempted to extend our slides we noticed that we had a problem. There was no response from One Control.

Sam began to troubleshoot the issue and found that there was a problem with our newly installed lithium batteries. Thankfully he was able to do his magic and had up back up and running in about 20 minutes. We began to extend our slides to set-up for the night and as the kitchen slide was half way out we heard a crunch and the slide stopped. We pulled it back in to find that one of our hanging pictures had fallen on top of the slide and become stuck in the seal. Once we removed the picture we were able to finish setting up and we were able to get the family fed, ready for bed, and we all settled down for a restful evening.
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Even though we had been living in the fifth wheel for 7 months already it had been stationary living which was much different than the experience we were now having. We had read about how things would move and shift around on move day, but I hadn’t expected how much so. We had to pick-up most of our books in the bookshelf, many items in the pantry, clothes in the closet, and more. So we added things to our move day check lists to avoid these potential issues for our following move days.
The next morning we woke up excited about exploring the Legendary Mustang Sanctuary. After getting ready for the day we ventured out to meet up with Kathy once again. She gave us a tour of all of the different mustangs and burros that they currently had and a little back story on each one. Hannah and I really enjoyed all of the animals, but Adam was most excited about all of the big machinery that they had. Next Kathy introduced us to their farm dogs and cats which the kids really liked petting. Then Kathy gathered a bucket of carrots and led us out the the paddocks so that we could feed the horses and burros.

They had two burros there, Wilma and Pebbles, who were very friendly and insisted on getting carrots and scratches from Hannah. She of course loved spending time with them, but she really wanted to feed some of the mustangs. First we went to the paddock that had the more gentled mustangs who had been there for awhile. They were very friendly and would come right up to the gate. It is no wonder that most of them had already been adopted and were just waiting to be picked up or moved to their new homes. Next we went to visit one of the newer pens which housed two lovely mares one of which was very pregnant and was expected to foal in the next few weeks.

After the tour Hannah helped Kathy with some small farm chores in the barn and spent some time with a couple of barn cats up on the hay stack. Before we left Kathy printed off a few coloring pages for each child and wished us safe travels on our journey.

This was a dream location for both Hannah and I because of our love of animals, and horses specifically. I hope that one day we find ourselves in a position where we can rescue a couple of these wild mustangs ourselves, but in the meantime we can share our love for these fantastic beasts through the program they have at Legendary Mustang Sanctuary.
The Legendary Mustang Sanctuary was a great first stop which we would highly recommend to any Harvest Host member. If you are not yet a Harvest Host member, but are interested in becoming one you can use our friend referral code to get 15% off of your membership. Click here for the discount!
If you are interested in more information about the Legendary Mustang Sanctuary you can check out their website and Facebook page linked below.