Does your RV door constantly try to blow shut on breezy days? In this post we show our solution for holding the exterior RV door open on breezy days without drilling any additional holes in the RV!
It’s a beautiful day outside! Why don’t we open all the windows and door and let in some fresh air?
One of the largest openings in an RV is the entry door. Most RVs are equipped with a screen door inside the hard exterior door. On days with nice weather the exterior door can be opened and pushed back against the RV leaving the screen door in place to keep any bugs out. Some RVs come from the manufacturer with a latch to hold the door open. Others – ours included – do not include such a latch. This can be a problem on windy days as the wind will try to blow the door closed.
While there are several products available in the RV industry to solve this problem, I couldn’t find one that was durable (metal), attractive, and that did not require more screw holes into the RV. It would also be great if the latch could be disengaged from inside the RV.

We had used a magnetic latch to help hold the master bedroom door open. We both really like how that had worked out, so I began searching for something similar.
Enter the Cucumis Stainless Steel Door Magnetic Door Stopper. This little latch came with screws to install it to the wall, but we did not use them.
Instead we attached the device to both the door, and the wall of the RV with 3M VHB tape. VHB – Very High Bond – tape is incredibly sticky stuff.
Because the two parts are magnetic installation is pretty simple. We cleaned the door where we planned to install the “button” part of the latch with alcohol to ensure the tape would bond well. Then we cleaned the latch with alcohol as well.
We applied the VHB tape to the screw side of the latch. We had to use two pieces to cover the entire surface, then trimmed the tape around the shape of the latch so that it would not show when stuck to the RV. Then we removed the red backing from the tape on the “button” side of the latch and stuck it to the door in the spot we cleaned earlier.
To find the location of the other half of the latch we let the magnet hold the other half of the latch, then opened the door to see where it would strike on the wall. After cleaning the wall with alcohol in that location we VHB taped the other half to the wall.
We think the installation turned out pretty well. And the door side looks like a doorbell button, which has already provided entertainment value.

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